The photo gallery should now be working fine! We still have not gotten around to writing captions for the pictures yet. That may be a task for this weekend. Right now we have six galleries:

J and S: Some of our favorite couple pictures of Susan and I
Life in FL: Pictures of the view from our apartment, etc.
Portugal: Pictures of our trip to Portugal
Visit FL: When my folks came and visited us
Elijah: Pictures of Susan's nephew
Jacob: Pictures of Justin's nephew

More galleries to be added soon!

And finally for those of you in Arizona who are lucky enough to be experiencing the monsoon storms, todays column by E.J. Montini expresses one of the things we miss most about Arizona. So while you may be lamenting the traffic, noise, power outages, etc. Keep in mind there are always good things as well.
Well, it appears there are a few more kinks in the gallery than I originally thought. Right now only 2 of the 6 galleries are viewable. (Portugal and Jacob) I hope to have the others fixed in the next few days.
The photo gallery is now online! Well, it's not perfected yet, but it’s a whole lot better. We don't have captions up yet to explain the photos, but since someone said a picture is worth a thousand words, we felt the caption thing must therefore be redundant. Anyway, it may load a bit slow for you, and there are still a few kinks in the system. But hopefully this new format will allow us to post more pictures, more often.
Well, we have our photos linked to this page now. However, it simply takes you to the old, "ugly" sight. Soon we will be posting our new photo gallery with a cleaner look, easier navigation, and of course... more photos! Hopefully I will be able to get the new gallery on-line soon.

As Susan said, work is quite hectic right now. I am on the road several days each week conducting trainings for the campaigns volunteers. So updates to this site may be sporadic for a bit. If you haven't yet checked it out, stop by the Smoke-Free for Health website to see the campaign I am working on.

Take care and stay tuned!
OK, I'm finally on and able to write updates. Justin and I just celebrated our two year anniversary last weekend. Whhheewww, those two years flew by; I feel like we've been together forever ( hee hee).

Just to get everyone up to speed on our lives:
*I am currently working at Miami-Dade Community College as an instructor (a.k.a. Administrator). Although I'm part time there, I usually work about 30-35 hours/week. *Justin is still working hard for the campaign, just pushing towards the win in November.
*We are hoping to take a relaxing vacation in November and we'll post that information when we make some final decisions.
We have now added a link to our "Garage Sale" at Who said all those old books wouldn't come in handy!
It is time we were brought into the real world. How can we share our lives, if it takes 3 months to post a single picture?

This is the begining...

If you were looking for the end. Then you are in the wrong place.