Another late night!

I can't keep going on this way! Sleep deprivation is just not good. Last night I finished a skirt for Eva. I used the colorful floral skirt as a model for mine. Pretty good for a first try. I'll put Eva in it soon and take photos.

More of Eva's Room

I took a couple of pictures of Eva's room today. There is still a lot of work to be done in here, but so far I love it. It's probably my favorite room in the house, because it's the kind of room I would have loved as a little girl. It's a very small room, but it's probably just the right size for a nursery. I am still in the process of picking out a few more pieces for the walls, so there are some empty spots that are waiting for just the right pictures. Anyway, here's a peek.

Andrew's Tub Time

Of course Andrew, like every other 2 year old, loves this bath time. We start out with both him and Eva in the tub, then I take Eva out early and Andrew gets to splash around. It's a fun part of the day.

Tie one on

OK, up way too late again. But it's been a year since I've made one of these aprons and this is the first one I've made for Eva (although I kept 2 I made from before her birth). I just received some new fabric and had to make something with it. I so love it!


Eva still takes 2 naps each day and Andrew takes one long nap in the afternoon. Eva wakes up from her second nap well before Andrew does, so we often have fun playing in her room.

Trying to do laundry

What is it about babies and laundry baskets? When they see one, they want to be in it. Then, they're so cute when they climb in. Well, here's Eva's first time in the laundry basket.

Meet Madeleine the Bunny

I was up wayyyyyy too late last night trying to finish this stuffed bunny for Eva. A big improvement over the first one I made.

When Andrew takes naps

Eva gets into all his stuff when Andrew is asleep. She goes right to the things she doesn't get to play with when he's awake.

Just another day...

It was a pretty uneventful day yesterday. The kids and I went grocery shopping, then we played for a good portion of the day. Eva has a musical table that both of the kids love. Often they're both standing by it pushing the buttons and dancing. Andrew took over the camera and managed to get a picture of Eva and the back of my head!

Here are the photos of Eva from Storytime.

Bubbles and a Puppy Dog

We met with Ashton and Brooke for Storytime at the library today. Andrew and Ashton (in the orange shirt)are really good buddies and they love getting together about once a week. After the books were read and songs were sung, the storytellers blew bubbles, and the children had a blast catching bubbles. Brooke looks so cute reaching up to get them. Eva liked the bubbles too, but she liked her shoes more. We often call her a puppy dog because she's constantly chewing on her shoes.

Just enough time to create mischief

We had dinner plans last night (happy birthday john), so I had to run upstairs to change my clothes. I left the little ones downstairs for just a few minutes. As I'm changing my clothes I hear loud noises from downstairs so I'm moving really fast. When I get downstairs, these two little munchkins look at me with 20 feet of craft paper between them. Andrew told me that Eva was trying to get the paper so he took it and moved it away from her. (What a good brother). Anyways, the kids have a perplexed look on their faces because they can't figure out why I'm taking pictures of them while I'm reprimanding them- ha ha. So cute!

Platin' up some felt cookies

I made these on Monday night to stock up the kids' play kitchen. Recently I saw some similar ones online and I thought I'd give it a try. Delicious!