Although I've used coupons in the past, I didn't use them regularly. I might save $1 or $2 off a grocery bill, but it didn't really make a dent in the overall bill. In the last several months I've tried to become a little more dedicated to saving on our grocery bill, and after finding so many blogs dedicated to saving money and to couponing, it is quite easy.
Recently I stumbled upon the site A Thrify Mom and this mom really is quite thrifty. Her favorite store is Albertsons, which is a store that I've come to appreciate more (I'm a pretty loyal Fry's shopper). Anyway, last week she spent $19.04 for $234.06 worth of groceries.
I have to admit, my savings are not as substantial as some of these moms, but based upon the tips I've learned, I now spend about $75/ week on groceries, diapers, cleaning supplies, and paper products. This is compared to $100 +/ week I used to spend.
A couple of other money saving sites I frequently visit are:
Faithful Frugality
Money Saving Mom
There are so many other sites I also check, but if you're interested in learning how to cut your grocery bill, these are pretty good places to start.