Still waiting...

We are still waiting for the little one to arrive. We went to the doctors yesterday and while there was some progress, it looks like our boy will not be arriving early. As of Friday, Susan was still dilated just one centimeter, although she is thinned 90%. Any day our little boy wants to come we will be happy to have him!

Also, Justin has made some modifications to the site in preparation for the Grand Arrival. Notably, we will be posting pictures, audio messages, and other announcements as the time arrives. Off to the right you will see a link where you can enter your email address. If you subscribe to this site you will receive automatically an email as the first pictures are loaded. Be the first to see our new bundle of joy, subscribe today! (Note for those who want a text message notification: Instead of entering in your e-mail address, you can enter in your text message address!)

UPDATE: Bloglet will only send out an e-mail once a day, usually about 2 in the morning. So if you subscribe to the site you will get email updates, however they will NOT happen as they are posted. If you want to receive updates on a more frequent basis, get a News Aggregator and subscribe using the feed link.


Justin said...

You can also type in your cell phone number into the mobile alerts box, along with your birthdate, and receive text messages instantly!

Justin said...

I should also mention that you will only receive the first 250 charecters of the post. But it will be enough to let you know when the baby is on its way!

Justin said...

OK, due to limitations with the UPOC system, and the fact that I don't have my own server at the moment, I am unable to get the text message gateway to work whenever I update the blog. You can still sign up for updates and as soon as we are on the way to the hospital I will send a text message to everyone signed up letting them know the baby is on the way!