Happy Birthday Susan!

Andrew's First Day of Preschool

Andrew started preschool this week. His first day was Thursday and he was pretty reluctant to go. Fortunately he has great teachers and the preschool has wonderful facilities. When we first arrived we took the kids to the playroom and even Eva was allowed to play for a few minutes. Andrew didn't want me to leave and cried when I left. Later when I picked him up, the teachers said he cried for about 5 minutes and then did fine after that. What a relief! Justin and I can't believe our little one is in school!

Family Reunion

We had a family reunion in the mountains of Sacramento, New Mexico at the end of July. We met at a church camp, the same one Justin's family has been using for many, many years. The camp was huge with different dorm facilities, a motel style lodge, a cafeteria, skating rink, play ground, rec rooms, and more. The weather was wonderful! It rained the whole time, so although it would have been nice to explore outdoors, we Arizonans appreciated the rain.

More New Mexico Pics

Happy Birthday Daddy

OK, so we're a little late getting this post up, as daddy's birthday was back in June.

We spent an evening swimming and enjoying a birthday dinner for daddy at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Holding Hands

They actually like to hold hands. I love that about their relationship!

Eva's wearing a dress I made her a couple of months ago. It's a really fun, bright play dress.

Why Walk

Why walk when you can ride around in a shopping cart? Eva loves for Andrew to push her around the house.