Texas Update

Sorry we haven't posted an update on my sister's situation in Texas, as some serious events occurred that required our attention.

Shortly after I posted the hurricane damage photos, Jim, went into the damaged garage. Details are sketchy, but he ended up getting seriously injured. A metal spring from one of the garage doors hit his face, which crushed his sinuses, gave him a skull fracture, and a brain contusion. He was taken, by ambulance, to the ER and was placed in ICU. He has since received surgery and seemed to do well, although he had fluid on his brain, so he was given a lumbar shunt. The doctors gave some varying information about the length of his hospital stay, but surprisingly he was released today.

My family spent most of the first week after the hurricane talking on the phone trying to extract and piece together whatever information we could. Some cell towers were down, so our calls weren't going through to Houston and we had to wait for my sister to call us. The cell service isn't fully functioning yet. Our calls still aren't going through and service is often dropped mid-conversation.

Apparently the garage is still standing, although leaning precariously toward the house. The power was turned on today and the family is living in the house again (but in an area furthest away from the garage). By the work of some great neighbors, the tree in front of the garage was cut down and removed. Jim's 70 year old mother went into the garage and got both cars out! Kiera is back in kindergarten.

So, despite the injury and damage to the house, they are miraculously putting their lives back together!


Jen said...

That is SO great to hear! Thank you for updating us. :)

jesus gypsies said...

i cannot believe it! thanks for posting that sue. i have been praying like crazy and wondering how they have been doing. thanks for being their voice.